
The mission at Bids That Give, Every Bid Helps a Kid is simple.
To help children in need.
The Company want to develop a partnership between affiliates and the charities that Bids That Give supports.

They want you, as an affiliate, to know who you are working so hard for
and where the profits of your labor are going.

With every bid made, whether the auction is won by you or someone else a portion of all the bids goes to help underprivileged children all over the world. This is truly the best of ALL worlds.

Save time and money, have fun, and help innocent children who are hurting worldwide. It is this, Bids that Give, Every Bid Helps a Kid, which sets us apart from all the other penny auction sites out there.

Give us your bids, save a buck, and help those who truly cannot help themselves, the children of this world, OUR future.

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