SOLO Ads For Bids That Give

What is a SOLO AD exactly?

A Solo Ad is basically an email blast to a list of subscribers somebody else has collected in their internet marketing niche/business. For example, I have a list size of 35,000 people who are active and responsive, since it’s my list I can broadcast messages out to those users at any time with updates, marketing tips, how to make money online etc..

Even sites like Facebook have a “list” when you register Facebook can send out updates to all the millions of users in an instant. Of course people on Facebook are more interested in Facebook Services and updates than how to make money from home. However if you tap into a list of MLM minded people, work from home moms and opportunity seekers it’s very easy to promote your service or product… In this case Bids That Give.

So since a SOLO ad is using someone else work from the list they have subscribed it’s hard to determine what your results will be as they will vary. You generally have to pay for a SOLO AD which can range anywhere.. Some recent SOLO ads I have seen as low as $0.25 per click up to $0.70.  Every list is a bit different, it’s good to look for email lists that go hand in hand to your marketing list.

There are several ways you can promote BTG and Bid Ambassadors. I have used Pay Per Click, Email Blasts, SEO… Etc… The results will vary here to there.

If you are looking to purchase a Bids That Give SOLO Ad to grow your business, get more subscribers/leads then I recommend contacting myself and I can help you

My email is: